Susan Sarandon, Reframed Pictures And Congressional Leaders Host Briefing On Violence Against Homeless
WASHINGTON, DC – Member of Congress John Conyers Jr. (D-MI 13th District) and the Homeless Caucus will host a briefing on the epidemic of violence against the homeless on June 25, 2014. Susan Sarandon will brief congress on the issue and preview Storied Streets, a new film by Reframed Pictures provides a unique perspective of homelessness in the United States. David Pirtle, a victim of violence against the homeless, will share his personal story. The National Coalition for the Homeless is gathering support in the House for bill H.R. 1136, the Violence Against the Homeless Accountability Act that will amend the Hate Crime Statistics Act to include crimes against homeless individuals. Committing acts of violence against those who are homeless is a hate crime in three states: Maryland, Maine, Florida as well as the District of Columbia. Sarandon and others seek to make this violence a hate crime in all 50 states. Though most go unreported, more than 100 reported incidents...